A chemical peel is an effective skin-resurfacing treatment where a specially formulated chemical solution is applied to the skin. This process helps remove the top layers of the skin, promoting the growth of new, healthier skin. The result is a complexion that appears smoother, younger, and less wrinkled.
During the procedure, a gentle yet powerful chemical solution is carefully applied and left on the skin for a specific duration. This allows the chemicals to effectively penetrate and work on the upper, damaged layers of skin. Following the treatment, your body’s natural healing processes take over, causing the treated layers of skin to dry and gradually peel off over the ensuing days. This process helps to remove superficial skin damage and aesthetic imperfections that reside in these upper layers, revealing smoother, rejuvenated skin beneath.
A chemical peel can significantly enhance your skin’s appearance by reducing wrinkles, fine lines, and other signs of aging, leaving you with a refreshed and revitalized look.
Experience the Transformative Benefits of a Chemical Peel.
Types of Chemical Peels
- Mild Peel: This type utilizes alpha-hydroxy acid or another mild acid to exfoliate just the outermost layer of skin gently. It is ideal for improving mild skin discolorations, refining rough skin textures, and rejuvenating the face, neck, chest, or hands. Mild peels have the advantage of minimal recovery time. While results may be subtle, especially after a single session, these peels are safe for all skin colors and have a low risk of causing hyperpigmentation
- Medium Peel: Employing glycolic or trichloroacetic acid, this peel reaches the outer and middle layers of skin, targeting and removing damaged skin cells. Medium peels are effective for reducing age spots, fine lines, wrinkles, freckles, and moderate skin discoloration. They are also useful for smoothing rough skin textures and treating certain precancerous conditions like actinic keratosis. Though some improvement can be noticeable after just one treatment, achieving optimal results typically requires multiple sessions.
- Deep Peel: With a more intensive approach, deep peels use trichloroacetic acid or phenol to penetrate deeply into the middle layer of skin. This powerful treatment is designed to remove moderate lines, age spots, freckles, and some shallow scars, offering dramatic improvements in skin appearance. Deep peels are generally performed only once and are specifically used on the face.
Each type of chemical peel is tailored to address different skin concerns, from mild rejuvenation to significant corrections. Selecting the right peel can lead to a beautifully refreshed appearance and enhanced skin healt
After a Chemical Peel
If you have a medium chemical peel, treated skin will be noticeably smoother after the procedure. Your Esthetician will recommend avoiding sun exposure for several months.
After a deep chemical peel, you’ll see a dramatic improvement in the look and feel of treated areas. You’ll need to protect your skin from the sun permanently to prevent changes in skin color. Keep in mind that chemical peel results might not be permanent. As you age you’ll continue to acquire new lines by squinting and smiling. New sun damage also can reverse your results and cause changes in your skin color.
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